In the rapidly changing landscape of event management, effective promotion is key to ensure your event’s success. The right event marketing strategies can make all the difference. Here are five examples of event marketing strategies that can serve as templates for your next external event, ensuring it’s not just an event, but a memorable experience.

  1. Pre-Event Email Campaigns: An effective pre-event marketing strategy involves creating a series of emails to inform, engage, and excite potential attendees. The initial email can introduce the event, followed by a series of emails revealing speakers, agenda, and other exciting details. Don’t forget to include a clear call-to-action in every email, urging readers to register or buy tickets.

    The success of your event hinges significantly on the effectiveness of these communications. Here are a event marketing strategies examples related to pre-event communication on how you can structure your pre-event email campaigns:
    • Save-the-Date Email: This is your first communication about the event. It should be sent as soon as the event date is confirmed, even if all details haven’t been finalized. The main goal is to get your event on the attendees’ radar.
    • Event Announcement Email: Once all the event details are in place, send an announcement email. This email should include the event theme, date, venue, and a brief overview of what to expect.
    • Speaker Announcement Email: If your event has notable speakers, sending a dedicated email announcing them can generate excitement. Include a brief bio of the speaker and what they’ll be discussing.
    • Agenda Announcement Email: Closer to the event date, an email outlining the schedule can give potential attendees a clearer picture of the event. It allows them to plan their time effectively.
    • Last Call Email: Just before registration closes, a “Last Call” email can create a sense of urgency and drive last-minute sign-ups.

Here’s an example of an initial Event Announcement Email template for B2B events:
Subject Line: Exciting News: [Event Name] is back!
Dear [Recipient’s Name],

We’re thrilled to announce the return of [Event Name]! Mark your calendars for [Event Date] because this year’s event is shaping up to be our biggest and best yet.

This year, [Event Name] will be held at [Event Venue]. Expect [mention some activities, sessions, or anything specific to the event].

Registrations are now open, and we can’t wait to see you there. Click here [link to registration page] to secure your spot today!

Stay tuned for more exciting updates about speakers, sessions, and what to expect at [Event Name].


[Your Name] [Your Position]

[Your Contact Information]

Here’s an example of Last Call Email template. This type of email creates urgency and encourages the recipient to take immediate action, thus maximizing your event’s attendance. Be sure to make it easy for them to register and provide all the necessary details they might need to make a decision:

Subject Line: Last Chance to Register for [Event Name]!

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

This is it – your final opportunity to sign up for [Event Name]! Don’t miss your chance to be part of the most exciting event of the year.

[Event Name] is set to be a game-changer with [mention key speakers/activities/highlights]. So, if you’ve been considering joining us, now is the time to act.

We’re almost at capacity, and registrations will close shortly. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to network with industry leaders, gain invaluable insights, and enjoy [specific event features].

Click here [link to registration page] to secure your place right now. Remember, this is your final chance to register for [Event Name]!

Looking forward to seeing you there!


[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]

This type of email creates urgency and encourages the recipient to take immediate action, thus maximizing your event’s attendance. Be sure to make it easy for them to register and provide all the necessary details they might need to make a decision.

  1. Early Bird Discounts: Offering early bird discounts is a proven method to drive registrations. Everyone loves a good deal! This strategy is especially effective when paired with a well-planned email or social media campaign. That’s why early bird discounts are such a powerful marketing strategy example for your event. Offering a discounted rate for those who register early not only incentivises potential attendees to commit early, it also helps to generate buzz around your event, increase registration numbers, and secure a solid attendee base even before your event begins.

    An effective early bird discount strategy typically involves offering a substantial discount for a limited time or to a limited number of people. For example, you might offer a 20% discount to the first 50 people who register, or you could offer the discount to everyone who registers by a certain date.

    The key to an effective early bird discount strategy is to promote it widely. This means highlighting it in your email marketing campaigns, on your website, and across your social media channels. Remember to clearly communicate the value of the event at the discounted rate to convince potential attendees that they’re getting a great deal.

  2. Partnerships and Sponsorships: Collaborating with other organisations or sponsors that align with your event’s theme can broaden your reach. They can promote your event to their followers, providing you with access to an audience you may not have reached otherwise.

  3. Social Media Campaigns: Leveraging social media platforms is a must in today’s digital age. Create engaging posts, reels, stories or even host live Q&A sessions to generate buzz about your event. Don’t forget to create a unique hashtag for your event for easy tracking and higher visibility.

    Use different types of content to catch your audience’s attention. Post intriguing snippets of your event, exciting speakers, or insider looks at preparations to pique curiosity. Utilize formats like posts, reels, stories, and live Q&A sessions for variety and engagement.

    Use Facebook for detailed event updates and discussions, Twitter for quick announcements, Instagram for visuals like images and short videos, and LinkedIn for professional networking. Don’t overlook platforms like Snapchat, Pinterest, YouTube, TikTok, Medium, and Reddit. Each can offer unique ways to reach out to your audience and share interesting content.|

    Another good example of event marketing strategy is partnering with influencers relevant to your event’s industry can significantly boost visibility. Their endorsement can influence their followers and bring credibility to your event. Look for thought leaders and industry experts in the relevant field. This could be anyone from CEOs, founders, industry analysts, consultants, authors, speakers, to bloggers. They are likely to have a strong following of people interested in the B2B conference topics.

  4. Post-Event Marketing: Your event marketing strategy shouldn’t stop when the event ends. A post-event email thanking attendees for their participation, sharing highlights, photos, or a recap video can leave a lasting impression. This helps you build a relationship with your attendees, increasing the likelihood of their participation in future events.

    Post-event marketing is crucial to continue the conversation, gather feedback, and sustain the engagement that was built during the event. This is where a comprehensive event management platform like EventApper can make a difference.

    The EventApper app makes it easy to send out post-event surveys to all attendees. These surveys can be used to gauge attendee satisfaction, gather suggestions for improvements, and even generate testimonials that can be used in future marketing materials.

    Those are the most common questions which organisers ask via our platform:

    1. How relevant and valuable did you find the event content (presentations, workshops, etc.)?

    2. How well-organized did you find the event? This includes aspects like registration process, staff assistance, scheduling, etc.

    3. Were you satisfied with the event venue and its facilities (accessibility, cleanliness, food and beverage, etc.)?

Read more about other event marketing strategies examples which you can implement while using EventApper.

All of these strategies should be tailored to fit the unique needs of your event and audience. Remember, successful event marketing isn’t about throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks. It’s about using the right strategies and “event marketing strategies templates” at the right time to attract, engage, and delight your attendees. With these strategies in place, you’re well on your way to hosting a successful event!

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