Reward to winner in event gamification task
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Event Gamification Examples during Business and Company Gatherings: Fun Ideas to Boost Participation and Engagement

In the world of events, attendee engagement is key. And one powerful tool to boost this engagement is gamification. Event gamification involves incorporating game mechanics into your event to make it more interactive and fun, while also encouraging networking and learning. With our cutting-edge EventApper application, you can bring a variety of event gamification elements […]

Example of digital event agenda on IPhone and location of event
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Tips for Organising Successful Events in Tech Companies for Employees: Digital Event Agendas

In a sector that’s defined by innovation and forward thinking, it’s crucial to reflect those principles in your company events. Providing a modern, digital event experience is key to engaging tech-savvy employees and showcasing your commitment to progress. Utilising advanced event management software and digital event agendas can streamline the organisation process and deliver an […]
